Pôle bioalimentaire


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Facilitating the transition to sustainable and resilient food systems

“Joining forces to drive innovation in sustainable food”.

This major initiative will be developed through a cross-functional and systemic approach to the issues facing the sector in Quebec. All levels of the industry will be addressed, from food production to consumption, through cross-sectoral activities carried out in collaboration with local partners.


The Pôle bioalimentaire represents a research and innovation lever that combines intersectorality and internationalization to bring out solutions aimed at accelerating the transition to sustainable and resilient food systems.

Financially supported by the Fonds de recherche du Québec-Nature et technologies (FRQNT), this cluster is unique, both in its design and in the innovative research, training and knowledge mobilization activities it offers. Bringing together the driving forces of various strategic groups in Quebec, the Pôle’s objective is to develop concrete responses to a range of issues facing today’s food systems, such as :

  • Adapting to climate change,
  • Preserving biodiversity,
  • Limiting food loss and waste,
  • Mitigating labor problems,
  • Increasing food self-sufficiency.

The cluster’s activities will enable its scientific members – researchers, professionals and students alike – to team up with the user community of the biofood ecosystem, enabling innovative, concrete projects with strong socio-economic and environmental spin-offs. Artificial intelligence, the circular economy and the development of localized food systems are just a few examples of the tools that will be put to good use.

The Pôle will also be focusing on an international mission with up-and-coming students to take stock of current knowledge and document best practices in sustainable food on an international scale.

Board of Directors

Membre de l'INAF - Daniel Normandin



Professor of Veterinary Epidemiology

CERIEC | Centre d’études et de recherches intersectorielles en économie circulaire

Membre de l'INAF - Nathalie De Marcellis-Warin

De Marcellis-Warin


Artificial intelligence specialist


Membre de l'INAF - Michel Lesage




Réseau des CCTT

Membre de l'INAF - Nathalie De Marcellis-Warin

De Marcellis-Warin


President and General Manager


Membre de l'INAF - Sophie Maccario



Team manager - climate change adaptation science coordination


Membre de l'INAF - Olivier Bahn




Groupe d’Études et de Recherche en Analyse des Décisions (GERAD)

Membre de l'INAF - Jean-David Martel




Centre d’innovation sociale en agriculture (CISA) affiliated to Cégep de Victoriaville

Axes and projects

The Biofood Cluster supports strategic pilot projects involving multidisciplinary teams.

To provide a framework for the development of these interdisciplinary, cross-sector and cross-order teams, 3 axes have been identified, along with 7 cross-functional projects:


  • No1: Sustainable production systems
  • No2: Sustainable transformation systems
  • N03: Sustainable consumption


  • No1 : Quality and accessibility of the food supply
  • No2: Food transition
  • No3: Localized food systems
  • No4: Decarbonation and adaptation to climate change
  • No5: Circular economy and fight against food waste
  • No6: Supporting supply chain competitiveness
  • No7: Inclusion, social acceptability and combating misinformation

Affiliated members

Find the best people to make your projects a success

With the aim of developing teams made up of different specialties and locations, we will shortly be making available to you the different profiles of the researchers taking part in the Pôle bioalimentaire, including their fields of expertise.

In the meantime, we invite you to get in touch with our coordinator, Marie-Ève Bernier, who will be able to help you find the right profiles for your team, as well as plan future meetings.

Consult list

Call for projects

We invite you to take a look at the various projects available and to contact the reference person if you are interested.

Call for projects: “Developing and sustaining the Quebec biofood workforce


The aim of the call for projects “Relève et pérennisation de la main-d’œuvre du secteur bioalimentaire québécois” is to use innovative approaches to help meet the challenges of attractiveness and retention. It is part of a structuring partnership and funding initiative by the Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ), based on the Ça Relève! initiative of Université Laval’s Institut sur la nutrition et les aliments fonctionnels (INAF). The Pôle bioalimentaire, funded by the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQ) Nature and Technologies sector, is supporting this call for projects by increasing the total budget and mobilizing all Quebec researchers who are members of the FRQ Nature and Technologies sector and Society and Culture sector strategic clusters.

More specifically, this call for projects aims to :

  • Clarify and analyze the challenges facing the Quebec bio-food sector in terms of human resources, to provide the various stakeholders (food processing companies and educational institutions) with objective analyses and concrete solutions;
  • Help companies to implement appropriate practices for sustainable management of their human resources and support for their development;
  • Align in real time the skills development of new generations with the needs of food processing;
  • Attract scientists from outside the bio-food sector to the issue, particularly in the fields of human resources management and, more broadly, the social sciences.

Application deadline: Monday, December 16, 2024

Call for projects documents

Eligibility criteria and terms and conditions

  • Researcher affiliated with a Quebec post-secondary institution recognized by the FRQ and a member of an FRQ Nature and Technology or Society and Culture group at the time the project is carried out. If the applicant is not a member of a group at the time of application, he or she will be assisted in the membership process to confirm eligibility;
  • Be a member of the Pôle bioalimentaire. If membership in the Pôle bioalimentaire is not yet effective when the application is submitted, support will be provided to facilitate registration and ensure eligibility;
  • Maximum duration: two (2) years. Projects must be completed by March 31, 2027;
  • Completion of applied projects in partnership with the community (an asset);
  • Eligible projects from $30,000 to $100,000.

Submitting applications

Applications must include all of the following information:

  1. Project information
  2. A short summary of the project
  3. A description of the project
  4. Expected results and prospects
  5. Dissemination and knowledge mobilization plan
  6. Detailed budget and justification of funding
  7. Abbreviated CV

Evaluation of applications

Eligible applications will be forwarded to a scientific evaluation committee composed of researchers with expertise aligned with the nature of the projects submitted, and who have no conflict of interest with the applicants. The recommendations of the scientific evaluation committee will be submitted to a committee made up of three members of the Pôle bioalimentaire steering committees and three members of the partner committee Ça Relève! – Main d’œuvre partner committee for funding decisions.

"Climate adaptation and food quality" joint call for projects : FINISHED


Result of the joint Ouranos and Pôle Bioalimentaire call for projects

Following the joint call for projects launched in March 2024 by Ouranos and the Pôle Bioalimentaire powered by the Institute on Nutrition and Functional Foods (INAF), the “Lait-é: Vers un secteur laitier résilient aux changements climatiques” project was selected for its innovative approach and significant potential to strengthen the resilience of the dairy industry in Quebec.

The observed and expected intensification of climate change is likely to accentuate certain challenges for food systems, in terms of production, processing, distribution and consumption. As little is known about adaptation solutions in Quebec, it is vital to develop scientific knowledge aimed at protecting the food security of the Quebec population. In this sense, Lait-é will provide a solid scientific basis to guide the decisions of Quebec dairy production and processing companies. This project will be developed in four phases:

  • Animal phase: Characterize the impact of heat on milk properties and measure the effect of on-farm heat stress mitigation strategies on milk quality and animal welfare.
    Experimental phase: Propose adjustments to milk processing to counter the effects of heat stress in the barn.
  • AI modeling: To develop a method for predicting the technological properties of milk on the farm by combining different milk samples collected from past and ongoing trials with those from the project. Routine Fourier-transformed mid-infrared (MIR) spectroscopy based on artificial intelligence (AI) models will be used.
  • Climate modeling: Simulate and/or predict the evolution of milk technological properties under future climatic conditions using climate scenarios generated by Ouranos.

The program will be directed by Véronique Ouellet, professor-researcher in the Department of Animal Sciences at Université Laval and member of the FRQNT Op+Lait strategic group. Her expertise in dairy herd resilience and animal physiology in the face of heat stress will greatly enhance the ability to meet the complex challenges facing the dairy sector in the context of climate change. His expertise will perfectly complement that of professors Rachel Gervais, Éric Paquet, Julien Chamberland and Guillaume Brisson, co-investigators affiliated with the project, also from Université Laval’s Faculté des sciences de l’agriculture et de l’alimentation, who have already established a history of fruitful collaboration in conducting research covering dairy production and processing aspects.

The selected project will benefit from a funding envelope of over $330,000, and will start in the fall of 2024.

Call for projects "New Teams" : FINISHED

FINISHED: Discover the selected teams:

  • Team 1: Developing sheep to their full potentialGeneviève Brisson, Simon Dufour, Mary Richardson, Mario Handfield, Julie Arsenault, Sébastien Buczinski & Stéphane Godbout
    This project will explore ways of adding value to beef sheep beyond their current uses, which focus mainly on meat and – to a lesser extent – milk. However, fleece, skin, lanolin, giblets and hooves are useful parts used in other countries. Based on a pilot area and a participatory approach, the project aims to lay the foundations for a more substantial funding application in line with the current trajectory of use and the challenges of valorization.
  • Team 2: Benefits of co-culture on small-scale Quebec aquaculture operationsLucie Beaulieu, Fanny Noisette, Laure Saulais & Éric Tamigneaux
    The world’s growing population and demand for healthy food have spurred the development of sustainable aquaculture, a fast-growing agri-food sector worldwide. The co-culture of macroalgae and mollusks aims to optimize their simultaneous production by using the waste or co-products of one species to benefit the other. Aquaculture sites in Quebec will be studied in terms of yield and quality improvements in co-cultured production. The perception of co-culture by consumers and the ways in which it can be valorized will also be explored from a marketing perspective.
  • Team 3: Transformative justice and inclusion: Towards equitable territorial food systems in QuebecLaurence Guillaumie & Manon Niquette
    Territorialized food systems (TFS) face challenges of equity, diversity and inclusion, which particularly affect racialized, immigrant and aboriginal people, as well as temporary foreign workers. These issues can impede access to adequate food and services, threatening cultural identity. Theories of transformative justice (such as decolonial, anti-racist and feminist approaches) are little used by THS. This project aims to document them and explore inclusive initiatives to be implemented in THS.
  • Team 4: Leaf biomass as an emerging source of bioactive peptides for food production, preservation and quality improvementTagnon Missihoun, Laurent Bazinet & Monique Lacroix
    The proposed research will involve the bioprospecting and isolation of bioactive peptide fractions from leaf plant protein hydrolysates. The peptide fractions will be tested for their antimicrobial, antioxidant, phytoprotective, growth-promoting and antigerminative activities, which are important in the sustainable production and processing of foods, fruits and vegetables. The project will also provide a proof of concept for the valorization of residual leaf biomass from vegetable crops and greenhouses in a circular economy context.
  • Team 5: Pulsed light applications in the food industry – climacteric productsJulie Jean & Arturo Duarte Sierra
    Food waste and food-borne illness are major global problems, which are also evident in Quebec and Canada. Extending product shelf life and controlling pathogens are key strategies used in the food industry to reduce this burden. Unfortunately, not all traditional methods, such as heat treatment, can be applied to ready-to-eat foods, such as climacteric fruits, which continue to ripen after harvest. Our project will investigate the potential of pulsed light technology, consisting of high-intensity light flashes, to control microorganisms, ripening and extend the shelf life of climacteric fruit. Ultimately, we will propose a new tool for the food industry.
  • Team 6: Robot manipulator and controlled-force gripper adapted to the pork value chainPhilippe Cardou, Linda Saucier & Clément Gosselin
    Labor shortages are making industrial robots increasingly relevant for automating certain operations, both in production and in agri-food processing. However, cleaning and disinfecting current robots with sleeves is difficult and hinders their adoption. To solve this problem, it is proposed to redesign these robots to sequester their electrical components and make their mechanical components easy to clean and disinfect. The example of a robotic cell handling pork parts is used to validate the proposed approach and demonstrate its effectiveness in sanitizing them.
  • Team 7: Cultivating the future: Towards controlled, sustainable agriculture in greenhouses and buildings – A cross-sector, multidimensional studyOlivier Bahn, Martine Dorais, Laurence Guillaumie, Didier Haillot & Danielle Monfet
    In response to rising GHG emissions from agriculture, we propose an innovative approach to decarbonizing the agricultural sector, “through controlled and sustainable agriculture in greenhouses and buildings”. The initiative is based on a detailed energy analysis, a macro-economic study using the Energy-Technology-Environment Model (ETEM), and a sociological analysis to identify obstacles and levers. By combining these approaches, we aim to develop effective strategies for sustainable and resilient agriculture in Quebec.
  • Team 8: Design and implementation of an electronic nose and artificial intelligence for monitoring the maturity and quality of yellow onions and market garden produce in QuebecChristophe Cordella, Arturo Duarte Sierra, Martine Dorais & Rani Ramachandran
    This project aims to develop an electronic nose for monitoring the ripening of onions, and more broadly of fresh produce, representing a major advance in digital agriculture in Quebec. This innovative technology enables precise, non-invasive quality assessment, optimizing harvests, reducing waste and guaranteeing product freshness. The integration of artificial intelligence provides real-time analysis, transforming crop management.
  • Team 9: Investigating the link between endocrine disruptors, endocannabinoid and microbiome profiles with the occurrence of metabolic disorders in breastfeeding mother-infant pairsLekha Sleno, Julie Robitaille, Vincenzo Di Marzo, Frédéric Raymond
    Endocrine disruptors can affect the gut microbiome and endocannabinoid profile, two systems whose signals control metabolism in the pregnant mother, fetus and infant. We will study the effect of exposure to environmental contaminants with endocrine-disrupting activity on breastfeeding mothers (+/- gestational diabetes), on their endocannabinoid and microbiota profiles, as well as those of their infants. For exclusively breast-fed infants, their diet is highly dependent on their mother’s exposome. By combining a wide variety of blood, fecal and dairy profiles, we will have a unique opportunity to study this phenomenon.

Find out more about the initial call for projects

This call for pilot projects by the Pôle Bioalimentaire is designed to initiate and stimulate new research partnerships between the Pôle Bioalimentaire’s co-researchers and members (COCC) on subjects that fit into the various axes and projects.


  • Generate preliminary data or convincing results based on innovative concepts, in line with the Biofood Cluster’s areas of focus and projects, with a view to the transition to sustainable food systems;
  • Initiate and stimulate new collaborations between COCC members of the Biofood Cluster in the areas and projects covered by the Cluster;
  • Foster collaborations between COCC members working in different disciplines/sectors and strategic clusters (RS) (members of universities and colleges);
  • Have the potential to forge partnerships with local organizations to meet concrete needs.

Eligibility criteria

  • The project must be led by a regular COCC member of the Pôle Bioalimentaire;
  • Apart from the regular COCC member, the project must include at least one other COCC member from another RS. The project team must therefore include at least two Pôle COCC members from 2 RS. The team of 2 Pôle COCC members may also include research members from Québec SRs whose complementary expertise is needed to carry out the project. In order to comply with FRQNT rules, these research members will become COCC members of the Pôle. Information sheets on the names, affiliations and keywords describing the research activities and expertise of the Pôle Bioalimentaire’s COCC members are available by clicking on the following link.
  • The research carried out by the COCC members of the project team must fall within the scope of at least two of the cluster’s three axes. A project in which all three areas are represented is an asset;
  • The proposed project must fit in with one of the cluster’s seven projects;
  • The inclusion of one or more community partners is not mandatory, but is an asset;
  • The inclusion of an international collaboration is permitted. The transfer of funds to the international establishment is not permitted.

Presentation of requests

Applications must include all the following information :

  1. The title of the project, the team members, their institutional affiliation and their complementary expertise/research program;
  2. A short summary of the project (to be published on the Pôle tab) (max. 6 lines);
  3. A description of the project (context, issues, objective(s), methodology and timetable) (max. 2 pages);
  4. Relevance of the project in relation to the Cluster’s axes and projects, and the expected spin-offs in terms of advancing knowledge and meeting a need expressed by the community (provide the name and contact details of one or more potential partners from the user community) (max. 1 page);
  5. A detailed budget and breakdown of funds for each COCC member (max. 1 page);

Evaluation of requests

Evaluation procedure

Eligible applications will be forwarded to an evaluation committee made up of COCC members of the Cluster who have not submitted a project to this competition. The evaluation committee’s recommendations will be submitted to the cluster’s scientific committee, which will make the funding decisions. The four evaluation criteria listed below will be assessed. For a project to be accepted, a minimum score of 80% must be achieved.

Evaluation criteria

  • Team quality (complementarity of research expertise) and pooling of resources (30 pts);
  • Scientific relevance to the Cluster’s priorities and projects (20 pts);
  • Societal relevance of proposed research (20 pts)
  • Potential benefits for the advancement of knowledge and for the user community (20 pts);
  • Project feasibility (objective(s), methodology, schedule and budget) (10 pts).

Type of financial support

  • Maximum funding per project is $30,000.
  • Eligible expenses include laboratory supplies, analytical costs, salaries and scholarships (students, research professionals, trainees), as well as inter-laboratory and partner travel expenses for team members.
  • Funding is granted for a period of 12 months and is non-renewable.

Call for collaborations

Invitation to join a Circular Economy Working Group

Project presentation

The Pôle bioalimentaire is pleased to collaborate with the Lab Systèmes Alimentaires accelerator laboratory, initiated and coordinated by CERIEC and the Transformerie.

Since its three-year launch in May 2023, the Lab Systèmes Alimentaires mission is to strengthen the sustainability of Quebec food systems through circular economy strategies. The Lab focuses on the co-creation of solutions, their field testing, and the transfer of practices and knowledge. Through applied research, interdisciplinary partnerships and innovative pilot projects, the Lab is committed to reducing food waste and improving supply chain resilience.

Call for applications

We have recently carried out co-creation workshops to identify obstacles to food circularity, as well as solutions and avenues for structuring projects. The project is now ready to form its first working groups to develop research project proposals. We invite researchers to join these groups to develop projects in collaboration with local players.

Benefits for researchers

  • Financial contribution of $25,000 to support research activities.

Funding made possible by the Pôle Bioalimentaire, financed by the Fonds de recherche Québec and supported by INAF.

  • Additional funds may be available through CERIEC and La Transformerie.

Important dates

  • Registration deadline: August 25, 2024
  • Co-creation meetings by project track: September 2024

Project tracks

  1. Quebec Circular Food” certification
  2. Circular packaging
  3. Territorial circularity data libraries
  4. Resource and equipment sharing space
  5. Evaluation of circular biofood initiatives to raise awareness
  6. Education program on circular food systems
  7. Communication and awareness-raising tools for agriculture and fisheries
  8. Fiscal leverage financing tools to promote circularity
  9. Territorial governance for circular food systems
  10. Circularity indicators
  11. Studies of the relationships and influences between production and consumption

Conditions of Eligibility for $25,000 Financing

  • Be a member of one of the FRQ’s strategic clusters Nature and Technology or Society and Culture
  • Be a member of the Pôle Bioalimentaire (membership possible after selection of your application)
  • Participate in the development (co-creation) of the project in collaboration with team members identified by the Food Systems Lab.

Researchers not eligible for Pôle funding may still be eligible for other funding available through Lab Systèmes Alimentaires.

Don’t miss this opportunity to contribute to significant advances in the bio-food industry!

Join a team: Register here

If you have any questions, please contact us here.

The Food Systems Lab is a project initiated and coordinated by :


Our coordinator, Jennifer Larouche, is on hand to support you in your research projects at the Pôle bioalimentaire. She coordinates projects, promotes industrial and academic partnerships, and pilots innovative initiatives in circular economy and sustainable food.

She ensures that the cluster’s strategic objectives are met. Please do not hesitate to contact her for any assistance or to find out more about collaboration opportunities.





Our coordinator, Marie-Ève Bernier, is available to help you launch projects within the Pôle bioalimentaire.

She’ll help you find the right people to form your teams, as well as assist you with the steps involved in launching and maintaining your research projects. She’s a real asset to your organization. Don’t hesitate to contact her.






Our Communications Manager, Simon Tremblay, is your essential asset for all aspects of communication, outreach and event organization for your research projects. His expertise and dedication will ensure your visibility.

INAF - Jennifer Larouche




INAF - Simon Tremblay



Communications Manager


If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Major partner
Thank you for your support

Some quotes

For 20 years, the FRQNT strategic cluster program has encouraged multi-institutional collaboration in over 35 scientific disciplines. Strategic clusters are now recognized as catalysts for research, innovation and training, with a level of excellence and technical platforms of international scope. Thanks to the support of the SQRI2, the FRQNT is pleased to announce this new initiative for strategic clusters, which will work together in a new way to transform Quebec's bio-food sector.


Janice Bailey

Scientific Director, FRQNT

We are extremely excited about the launch of this large-scale project. We're immensely proud of the work accomplished and the spin-offs to come. The targeted themes are perfectly aligned with the current economic, social, cultural and environmental challenges facing the Quebec biofood sector. By fostering links, cross-disciplines and an unprecedented level of collaboration, the cluster will facilitate the search for solutions and pave the way for a new era in sustainable food. All for the benefit of health, communities and the planet!


Alain Doyen and Renée Michaud

Scientific Director and General Manager, INAF