Financial support

Studying at INAF
Financial support

Scholarship programs
to help you succeed

Scholarships from granting agencies

Federal and provincial research granting agencies offer various scholarship programs to graduate and prospective graduate students. These scholarships aim to recognize academic excellence, promote university research, and give recipients an opportunity to acquire workplace and research experience.

Program list

Government of Canada

SSHRC – Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
NSERC – Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
CIHR – Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Government of Quebec

FRQNT – Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies

FRQNT website

FRQSC – Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture

FRQSC website

FRQS – Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé

FRQS website

IRSST – Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail (IRSST)

IRSST website

To learn more.

INAF programs

Bursary supplements for new INAF student members

2024-2025 : Complementary Scholarships for New Graduate and Postdoctoral Students

Objective and Funding

The aim is to promote the recruitment of new graduate students co-supervised by INAF research teams. A non-renewable contribution of $7,500 will be added to the scholarship of new graduate students. For postdoctoral interns, the amount will be provided to the research member who covers the intern’s salary. These scholarships are supported by the FRQ Nature and Technologies sector.

Eligibility Criteria

  • The candidate must conduct research under the direction of a regular INAF member and co-direction by another regular or associated INAF member.
  • The research project must align with INAF’s scientific program.
  • The candidate must begin their studies in the summer 2024, fall 2024, or winter 2025 sessions.
  • The candidate must not hold other scholarships or salaries from funding agencies at the time of application (e.g., Mitacs, FRQNT, FRQS, CIHR, NSERC, etc.).
  • An interdisciplinary co-supervision represents an added value.
  • A candidate supervised by a research member in the early stages of their career (less than 5 years between their hiring date and the application date) is an asset.
  • The INAF scholarship complement cannot be combined with a 2nd and 3rd cycle scholarship from the NUTRISS Center for the entire duration of the candidate’s program.

Application Submission

The application must be submitted by the supervising research member and should include the following information:

  1. Candidate’s identification.
  2. Identification of their supervisor (INAF regular member), co-supervisor, and any other involved researchers, along with their institutions.
  3. Candidate’s study program.
  4. Project title and summary (max. 25 lines).
  5. Candidate’s study start session (summer 2024, fall 2024, or winter 2025).
  6. Impact of the scholarship on the recruitment and research environment of the candidate (justify the financial assistance requested).
  7. Financial plan for the candidate’s salary.
  8. A letter of motivation from the candidate, including a description of their research background*.
  9. Candidate’s CV.
  10. Candidate’s transcript.

The application must be complete and submitted as a single PDF document. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Evaluation Criteria

Each application will be evaluated by a committee consisting of INAF Scientific Committee members and INAF researchers who did not submit projects in this competition. The evaluation criteria will be:

  1. Relevance and added value of the project in relation to INAF’s scientific program (45 points).
  2. Justification and impact of the requested financial assistance (20 points).
  3. Quality of the candidate and ability to present their research background (35 points).

Application Deadline

The supervising research member must submit their application no later than September 23, 2024, to Only one application per research member may be submitted.

*Research Background

Candidates are encouraged to highlight how personal and professional experiences, if applicable, have been assets to their academic journey (e.g., extracurricular involvement, awards received, etc.).


NUTRISS Center support programs

Students at the NUTRISS Center, a member entity of INAF, can subscribe to specific support programs.

Salary supplements for postdoctoral fellows - Competition closed

(Date to come for next contest)

The Transfo: Inno scholarship program is a collaborative effort between INAF, the Conseil de la transformation alimentaire du Québec (CTAQ) and the fondation INITIA. Its primary objective is to foster the development of young researchers in fields relevant to the Quebec food processing industry.

The Transfo: Inno scholarships aim to recognize and support outstanding students with a keen interest in the field of food science at both the college and university levels. By providing financial assistance to graduate students (M.Sc. and Ph.D.), the program aims to facilitate the continuation of their studies and research.


Twelve scholarships with a total value of $15,000 will be awarded to students who demonstrate a strong commitment to pursuing studies in food science and exhibit exceptional academic achievements. These scholarships aim to acknowledge both academic excellence and the exceptional qualities of the students.

  • Three $500 scholarships at the college level
  • Three $1,000 scholarships at the bachelor’s level
  • Three $1,500 scholarships at the master’s level
  • Three $2,000 scholarships at the Ph.D. level.


Three graduate students (2nd and 3rd cycle) will receive personalized financial support to aid them in their pursuit of higher education. This financial contribution will cover a portion of the student’s salary during periods when they are not recipients of grants from funding organizations. Other sources of funding will be sought to support the experimental aspects of their projects. Applicants and their supervisors are required to demonstrate the essential nature of the requested support.

  • Three $5,000 scholarships at the master’s and Ph.D. levels.

Documents and eligibility criteria

Visit the INITIA Foundation website by

clicking here.

Bourses Transfo : Inno - Competition closed

Student members from the Centre NUTRISS,  an INAF affiliated entity, can be on specific support programs.

For more information

University scholarship programs

Each university compiles information about admission and ongoing study scholarships offered to their students on their respective websites. Often presented in the form of a directory, this resource allows students to conduct targeted searches for scholarships based on specific eligibility criteria, such as field of study and academic level.

Links to the scholarship directories of INAF’s partner universities 

Université Laval

HEC Montréal

INRS – Institut national de la recherche scientifique

McGill University

Université de Montréal

Université de Sherbrooke

UQAR – Université du Québec à Rimouski

UQTR – Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

Internship and conference scholarships

Research internships abroad

The Globalink-MITACS  student programs fund international research internships. INAF student members can complete a paid internship outside Canada.

International students can also benefit from these programs to do an internship at INAF.

For more information

Financial assistance for presentation at an international conference


To increase the visibility and influence of INAF on the international scene through an oral or written presentation by our graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.


Eligibility criteria

  • The candidate must be supervised by an INAF research member and present an oral or written communication as first author in an international conference.
  • The topic of the presentation must be in line with one of the themes of INAF’s scientific programming.
  • INAF’s financial support cannot be combined with financial support from Centre NUTRISS.
  • The visibility of INAF and the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologie (FRQNT) required on the abstract and on the presentation material must comply with all the following requirements:

Mandatory visibility in the abstract

  • The student’s affiliation or address must clearly state “Institute of Nutrition and Functional Foods”. This affiliation must be indicated for all co-authors who are members of INAF.

Mandatory visibility in presentation materials

  • Oral Communication: Title slide must include the INAF logo. Acknowledgement slide must include the FRQNT name.
  • Poster communication: The INAF logo must be present and clearly visible at the top of the poster. FRQNT’s contribution should be acknowledged in the acknowledgement section.
  • INAF logos are available here.


Submission of the application

  • The application must be submitted at least one month prior to the conference start date and must include:
    • The Application Form2023 completed by the student and signed by the student and his/her supervisor;
    • A copy of the preliminary program of the conference;
    • A copy of the abstract of the presentation as submitted to the conference.
  • Within one month of the end of the conference, the student must provide the following supporting evidence:
    • Final version of the presentation (oral or written) demonstrating that the visibility given to INAF and FRQNT complies with all requirements described above;
    • Official conference program identifying the section in which the presentation appears;
    • Relevant invoices (registration fees, accommodation fees, transportation fees, meal fees);
    • For Université Laval students: it is the student’s responsibility to apply for reimbursement of all these travel expenses from the supervisor’s unit and to provide the expense report. The amount of financial assistance will then be paid to the supervisor from this claim.
    • For students from institutions outside of Université Laval: a specimen cheque.
  • Please note that failure to comply with these rules will result in the cancellation of the financial support.


Nature of the financial assistance

  • INAF will reimburse the registration fees incurred by graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who present at a virtual conference up to a maximum of $150


INAF will reimburse 50% of the costs incurred by graduate students and postdoctoral fellows presenting at a face-to-face conference up to a maximum of $750 (e.g., registration fees, accommodation, transportation and meals);

  • Funding may be awarded once at the 2nd cycle, twice at the 3rd cycle, and once at the postdoctoral level.
  • Limit of 1 participation per 12-month period
  • Financial support is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis and is subject to the availability of funds for this program.
  • The student must submit his or her request at least one month before the conference and must submit the supporting documents no later than one month after the conference to Eliane Picard-Deland (