Services to individuals


INAF ensures the communication of its knowledge through various activities to enhance the health and well-being of the public.

Centre d'expertise Poids, Image et Alimentation (CEPIA)

CEPIA’s clinic offers a unique interdisciplinary approach in the fields of nutrition, body image, and weight, providing you with comprehensive support.

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Culinary camps

Our culinary camps aim to instill in young people a passion for cooking, providing them with a comprehensive culinary experience from farm to plate. If your child is curious, enthusiastic, and enjoys cooking, this activity is perfect for them.

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Your knowledge

Do you have a passion for healthy eating? Our experts recommend a selection of excellent websites where you can find a wealth of useful, reliable, and well-documented information.

Take part in
Our research

INAF offers you the opportunity to participate in research, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in healthy eating while enriching your understanding of the subject.


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