
TRACÉCO: The 1st tool for analyzing local and sustainable food purchases.

The joint research unit in gastronomic sciences, made up of members of the ITHQ, Université Laval, Concordia University, and GastronomiQC Lab, whose co-directors are Inafian members Sylvie Turgeon and Véronique Perreault, has developed the first web-based application for large-scale management and digital tracking of local and sustainable food products.

It is aimed at the public catering sector. This development is part of the Stratégie nationale d’achat d’aliments québécois (SNAAQ), supported by MAPAQ.

Initially, it will be deployed in the priority sectors identified by the SNAAQ: health and social services, education and higher education.

Above all, this new platform will be a practical resource for analysis and decision-making on food purchasing for cafeteria managers and institutional buyers. It will also promote product traceability to better identify their origin and quality.

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