
Mondor Martin

Membre chercheur régulier

Chercheur gouvernemental
Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada

Thèmes de recherche

Thème 2 - Systèmes de transformation alimentaire durables

Mots clés




Technologies membranaires


  • Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada

Chercheur gouvernemental

Centre de recherche et de développement de Saint-Hyacinthe
3600 boulevard Casavant Ouest
Saint-Hyacinthe (Québec) J2S 8E3


Liens et réseaux sociaux


Dr Martin Mondor se spécialise dans l’application des technologies membranaires (Microfiltration; Ultrafiltration; Osmose inverse; Électrodialyse conventionnelle et à membranes bipolaires) à l’industrie agro-alimentaire. Il s’intéresse à la stabilisation/protection des composés bioactifs comportant des effets bénéfiques pour la santé, l’élimination de facteurs antinutritionnels, et l’amélioration de la fonctionnalité des ingrédients à base de protéines végétales.


Doctorate - Chemical Engineering - Université de Sherbrooke

Bachelor's - Chemical Engineering - Université de Sherbrooke

En savoir plus

Le Dr. Mondor a plus de 75 articles scientifiques révisés par les pairs. La liste de ses articles des 6 dernières années se retrouvent ci-dessous:

1. Gerzhova, A., Mondor, M., Benali, M. and Aider, M. (2016), Study of total dry matter and protein extraction from canola meal as affected by the pH, salt addition and use of Zeta-potential/turbidimetry analysis to optimize the extraction conditions, Food Chemistry, 201, 243-252.

2. Mercier, S., Mondor, M., Moresoli, C., Villeneuve, S. and Marcos, B. (2016), Drying of durum wheat pasta and enriched pasta: a review of modelling approaches, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 56(7), 1146-1168.

3. Gerzhova, A., Mondor, M., Benali, M. and Aider, M. (2016), Incorporation of canola proteins extracted by electro-activated solutions in gluten free biscuit formulation of rice-buckwheat flour blend: Assessment of quality characteristics and textural properties of the product, International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 51(3), p. 814-827.

4. Camilleri-Rumbau, M.S., Masse, L., Dubreuil, J., Mondor, M., Christensen, K.V. and Norddahl, B. (2016), Fouling on a spiral wound reverse osmosis membrane processing swine wastewater. Effect of cleaning procedure on fouling resistance, Environmental Technology, 37(13), 1704-1715.

5. Mercier, S., Marcos, B., Moresoli, C., Mondor, M. and Villeneuve, S. (2016), Impact of the number and sampling time of water content measurements on the identifiability of a concentration-dependent water diffusivity, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 99, 548-555.

6. Mercier, S., Moresoli, C., Mondor, M., Villeneuve, S. and Marcos, B. (2016), A meta-analysis of enriched pasta: what are the effects of enrichment on the processing characteristics and quality attributes of pasta?, Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 15(4), 685-704.

7. Mercier, S., Mondor, M., Marcos, B., Moresoli, C. and Villeneuve, S. (2017), Estimation of missing values in a food property database by matrix completion using PCA-based and regression-based approaches, Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems, 166, 37-48.

8. Mercier, S., Villeneuve, S., Mondor, M. and Uysal, I. (2017), Time–Temperature Management along the Food Cold Chain: A Review of Recent Developments, Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 16 (4), 647-667.

9. Nguyen, T.K., Khalloufi, S., Mondor, M. and Ratti, C. (2018), Shrinkage and porosity evolution during air-drying of non-cellular food systems: Experimental data versus mathematical modelling, Food Research International, 103, 215-225.

10. Akhtar, M.-J., Mondor, M. and Aider, M. (2018), Impact of the drying mode and aging time on sugar/protein profiles and antioxidant capacity of electro-activated sweet whey, International Dairy Journal, 80, 17-25.

11. Nguyen, T.K., Mondor, M. and Ratti, C. (2018), Shrinkage of cellular food during air drying, Journal of Food Engineering, 230, 8-17.

12. Mercier, S., Mondor, M., Villeneuve, S. and Marcos, B. (2018), The Canadian food cold chain: a legislative, scientific, and prospective overview, International Journal of Refrigeration, 88, 637-645.

13. Chen, X., Jun Xue, S., Shi, J., Kostrzynska, M., Tang, J., Guévremont, E., Villeneuve, S. and Mondor, M. (2018), Red cabbage washing with acidic electrolyzed water: effects on microbiological and physicochemical properties, Food Quality and Safety, 2, 229-237.

14. Chekabab, S.M., Rehman, M.A., Yin, X., Carrillo, C., Mondor, M. and Diarra, M.S. (2019), Growth of Salmonella enterica serovars Typhimurium and Enteritidis in Iron-Poor media and in meat: Role of Catecholate and Hydroxamate siderophore Transporters, Journal of Food Protection, 82(4), 548-560.

15. Nguyen, T.K., Khalloufi, S., Mondor, M. and Ratti, C. (2020), Moisture profile analysis of food models undergoing glass transition during air-drying, Journal of Food Engineering, 281, 109995.

16. Nguyen, T.K., Khalloufi, S., Mondor, M. and Ratti, C. (2021), Modified state diagrams of cellular and noncellular food model systems: Experimental data and mathematical modelling, Drying Technology, 39(2), 162-172.

17. Sánchez-Velázquez, O.A., Ribereau, S., Cuevas-Rodríguez, E.O., Mondor, M., Mackie, A., Arcand, Y. and Hernández-Álvarez, A.J. (2021), Impact of in vitro gastrointestinal digestion on peptide profile and bioactivity of cooked and non-cooked oat protein concentrates, Current Research in Food Science, 4, 93-104.

18. Ngapo, T.M., Bilodeau, P., Arcand, Y., Charles, M.T., Diederichsen, A., Germain, I., Liu, Q., MacKinnon, S., Messiga, A.J., Mondor, M., Villeneuve, S., Ziadi, N. and Gariépy, S. (2021), Historical Indigenous Food Preparation Using Produce of the Three Sisters Intercropping System, Foods, 10(3), 524.

19. Sánchez-Velázquez, O.A., Ribereau, S., Mondor, M., Cuevas-Rodríguez, E.O., Arcand, Y. and Hernández-Álvarez, A.J. (2021), Impact of processing on the in vitro protein quality, bioactive compounds, and antioxidant bioactivity of 10 selected pulses, Legume Science, 1-18.

20. Hernández-Álvarez, A.J., Mondor, M., Piña-Domínguez, I.-A., Sánchez-Velázquez, O.A. and Melgar-Lalanne, G. (2021), Drying technologies of edible insects and of their derived ingredients, Drying Technology, 39(13), 1991-2009. (Publication ID: 51130). 21. Sánchez-Velázquez, O.A., Mulero, M., Cuevas-Rodríguez, E.O., Mondor, M., Arcand, Y. and Hernández-Álvarez, A.J. (2021), In vitro gastrointestinal digestion impact on stability, bioaccessibility and antioxidant activity of polyphenols from wild and commercial blackberries (Rubus spp.), Food and Functions, 12(16), 7358-7378.

22. Mondor, M., Hernández-Álvarez, A.J. (2021), Camelina sativa composition, attributes, and applications: A review, European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, (in press).



  1. Récipiendaire: « International Association for Engineering and Food- Distinguished Service Award » (2015).
  2. Récipiendaire: « Prix de contribution exceptionnelle à la science » d’Agriculture et Agro-alimentaire Canada (2021)