Filteau Marie
Membre chercheur régulier
Professeur agrégée
Université Laval
Directrice du Thème 1
Thèmes de recherche
Thème 1 - Qualité des aliments
Thème 2 - Systèmes de transformation alimentaire durables
Mots clés
écologie microbienne
biologie des systèmes
qualité des aliments
étudiants gradués
- Université Laval
Professeur agrégée
Faculté des sciences de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation
Département des sciences des aliments
Pavillon Paul-Comtois - Local 1415
2425 rue de l'Agriculture
Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6
Les travaux de la Dre Marie Filteau visent à comprendre le rôle et le comportement des microorganismes afin de prévenir l’altération, ainsi qu’à valoriser les produits locaux en documentant leur typicité et leurs propriétés fonctionnelles. Pour se faire, diverses approches pour caractériser les interactions biologiques entourant les aliments sont utilisées, qui relèvent notamment de l’écologie microbienne, de la biologie des systèmes et de la génomique fonctionnelle.
Postdoctorat - Biologie des systèmes - Université Laval
Postdoctorat - Biologie évolutive - Université Laval
Doctorat - Science et technologie des aliments - Université Laval
Maîtrise - Science et technologie des aliments - Université Laval
Baccalauréat - Microbiologie - Université Laval
En savoir plus
Ndiaye, A., Fliss, I. & Filteau, M. High-throughput characterization of the effect of sodium chloride and potassium chloride on 31 lactic acid bacteria and their co-cultures. Front. Microbiol. 15, 1328416 (2024). https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2024.1328416
- Decabooter, G., Aspirault, C., Filteau, M., Fliss, I. The Physicochemical Characterization and In Vitro Digestibility of Maple Sugar Sand and Downgraded Maple Syrups. Foods 2023, 12, 3528. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods12193528
- N’guyen, G., Roblet, C., Lagacé, L. & Filteau, M. A metataxonomic analysis of maple sap microbial communities reveals new insights into maple syrup complexity. Frontiers in Systems Biology, 7 (2022). https://doi.org/10.3389/fsysb.2022.893007
- Gupta, G., Ndiaye, A. & Filteau, M. Leveraging Experimental Strategies to Capture Different Dimensions of Microbial Interactions. Front Microbiol 12, 700752 (2021).
- Derome, N. & Filteau, M. A continuously changing selective context on microbial communities associated with fish, from egg to fork. Evol Appl (2020) doi:10.1111/eva.13027.
- Bleuven, C., Nguyen, G. Q., Després, P. C., Filteau, M. & Landry, C. R. Competition experiments in a soil microcosm reveal the impact of genetic and biotic factors on natural yeast populations. Isme J 14, 1410–1421 (2020).
- N’guyen, G., Jain, M., Landry, C. R. & Filteau, M. Mapping Gene-Microbe Interactions: Insights from Functional Genomics Co-culture Experiments between Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Pseudomonas spp. Biorxiv 2020.06.01.127472 (2020) doi:10.1101/2020.06.01.127472.
- N’guyen, G. et al. A systems biology approach to explore the impact of maple tree dormancy release on sap variation and maple syrup quality. Scientific Reports 8, 14658 (2018).
- Marsit, S. et al. Evolutionary biology through the lens of budding yeast comparative genomics. Nat Rev Genet 18, 581–598 (2017).
- Filteau, M., Charron, G. & Landry, C. Identification of the fitness determinants of budding yeast on a natural substrate. The ISME Journal 11, 959–971 (2016).
- Filteau, M., Hamel, V. & Landry, C. R. Wine yeast as a model for the study of human genes and diseases and their personalized effects. Médecine Sci 32, 332–334 (2016).
- Filteau, M. et al. Evolutionary rescue by compensatory mutations is constrained by genomic and environmental backgrounds. Mol Syst Biol 11, 832 (2015).
- Torres-Quiroz, F., Filteau, M. & Landry, C. R. Feedback regulation between autophagy and PKA. Autophagy 11, 1181–1183 (2015).
- Rochette, S. et al. Genome-wide Protein-protein Interaction Screening by Protein-fragment Complementation Assay (PCA) in Living Cells. J Vis Exp Jove 52255 (2015) doi:10.3791/52255.
- Filteau, M. et al. Multi-scale perturbations of protein interactomes reveal their mechanisms of regulation, robustness and insights into genotype–phenotype maps. Brief Funct Genomics 15, 130–137 (2016).
- Filteau, M. et al. Systematic identification of signal integration by protein kinase A. Proc National Acad Sci 112, 4501–4506 (2015).
- Sevellec, M. et al. Microbiome investigation in the ecological speciation context of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) using next‐generation sequencing. J Evolution Biol 27, 1029–1046 (2014).
- Filteau, M., Pavey, S. A., St-Cyr, J. & Bernatchez, L. Gene Coexpression Networks Reveal Key Drivers of Phenotypic Divergence in Lake Whitefish. Mol Biol Evol 30, 1384–1396 (2013).
- Diss, G. et al. Integrative avenues for exploring the dynamics and evolution of protein interaction networks. Curr Opin Biotech 24, 775–783 (2013).
- Filteau, M., Matamoros, S., Savard, P. & Roy, D. Molecular monitoring of fecal microbiota in healthy adults following probiotic yogurt intake. Pharmanutrition 1, 123–129 (2013).
- Pavey, S. A. et al. Nonparallelism in MHCIIβ diversity accompanies nonparallelism in pathogen infection of lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) species pairs as revealed by next‐generation sequencing. Mol Ecol 22, 3833–3849 (2013).
- Filteau, M., Lagacé, L., LaPointe, G. & Roy, D. Maple sap predominant microbial contaminants are correlated with the physicochemical and sensorial properties of maple syrup. Int J Food Microbiol 154, 30–36 (2012).
- Filteau, M., Lagacé, L., LaPointe, G. & Roy, D. Correlation of maple sap composition with bacterial and fungal communities determined by multiplex automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (MARISA). Food Microbiol 28, 980–989 (2011).
- Filteau, M., Lagacé, L., LaPointe, G. & Roy, D. Seasonal and regional diversity of maple sap microbiota revealed using community PCR fingerprinting and 16S rRNA gene clone libraries. Systematic and applied microbiology 33, 165–173 (2010).
Chercheure associée à l’Institut de biologie intégrative et des systèmes
Membre du Réseau de recherche en santé cardiométabolique, diabète et obésité